Roman golovko

Roman Golovko (Moscow, Russia) is an interdisciplinary artist, sound artist and experimental musician.
Focused on sound sculpture and spatial installations, sound art performances, improvisational electro-acoustic music, field recordings, experiments with sound deformation and deconstruction of poetic text.
Works intensively in the transition area between experimental music and contemporary art. In his projects, he interacts with themes related to borderline and transitional states, sociocultural phenomena, cultural expansions, coincidences and rituals, which are considered in the plane of intermedial art based on the interaction of different types of artistic codes. Often in his work he uses random and self-organizing structures, breakdowns, errors, patterns and codes. His installations have a minimalist and reductionist aesthetic, often contain a sound component, and seek to overcome the division of human sensory perception by creating perceptual mechanisms for both eyes and ears.

Resident of the Moscow music publishing house and sound laboratory and the record label Kotä Records

Author of the performance SEND RETURN | MESSAGE > < RETURN - the project is a performative transformation of poetry into a sound installation; dedicated to the study of new poetic spaces and compositional techniques in the synthesis of poetry and sound art.

The author of the INTERSTITIAL Body Sound Image performance — in collaboration with the video artist Antonin De Bemels (Belgium) and the modern choreographer, researcher of contemporary dance practices Florence Augendre (Belgium/France), 2 performances were held at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art and the Center for Drama and Directing.

Collaborated with the CYLAND media art laboratory. Cyland Audio Archive released the album "A High Density of Musical Substance in a Relatively Short Period of Time".

Author of the WOLFFFLOW project - in which sound experiments in the field of avant-garde electronic music strongly interact and echo with his artistic practices and works. Actively performs in Russia and Europe.