dowry. 25 jan 2021 — 30 jan 2021

Anna Slobozhanina

I will take my beauty in white hands and carry my beauty into the dense forest, I will hang my beauty on a white birch tree. There is no place for her, no place.

As the cold winter comes, white snows will attack.People with sharp axes will come, cut down my birch tree, beauty will fall on the white snow. This is not her place, not a place.
In the project, the artist combines research practice and personal experiences, studying the tradition of northern wedding lamentation and the figure of the bride in this rite. The process of creating a dowry goes side by side with ritual singing, the artist plunges into this ritual, trying on the role of a northern bride, living with her all the stages of initiation - farewell to girlhood. The project was implemented during a stay at the "Maryin Dom" Art Residence in August 2020.