s.d. Serge diaguileff 10 feb 2022 — 10 apr 2022

Vadim Tishin

To the 150th anniversary of the birth of Sergei Pavlovich Diaghilev (March 31, 1872 - August 19, 1929)

The Antonov Gallery, within the framework of the art project "DIAGHILEV'S TIME", presents an exhibition project: VADIM TISHIN. S.D. SERGE DIAGUILEFF. Against the stream. Echoes of the past.
Sergei Diaghilev - an outstanding theatrical and artistic figure, one of the founders
group "World of Art", the organizer of the "Russian Seasons" in Paris and the troupe "Russian Ballet
Diaghilev”, innovator and entrepreneur. Diaghilev's "Russian Seasons" for a hundred years ahead determined the reputation of Russian art as the most advanced artistic phenomenon.

Vadim Tishin - a young artist from St. Petersburg, working at the intersection of fine arts, design and fashion, presents his vision of such a phenomenal phenomenon as Sergei Diaghilev. Everything connected with the name of Diaghilev still excites and inspires, discovering more and more new inspirations over time.

Vadim Tishin turned to the search for new forms of interaction with the past, seemingly known and understandable, contradictory and exciting. He experiences and finds new outlines, and perhaps, regardless of his own perception, fixes and transmits to us the echoes of the past time.