Antonov Gallery. the first Exhibition 2 mar 2013

Andrey Antonov, Misha Brusilovsky, German Metelev, Vitaly Volovich

The Andrey Antonov Foundation presents a unique joint project of the Gallery 11 Furniture Center and the A. Antonov Foundation Art Comes to Home. The project, initiated by Gallery 11 and gratefully supported by the A. Antonov Foundation, will start on March 2, 2013 with the opening of the Antonov Gallery.
Andrey Antonov (03/15/1944-07/10/2011) - an outstanding sculptor, graphic artist, painter, a native of Sverdlovsk, Honored Artist of Russia, member of the Union of Artists of Russia, laureate of the Governor's Prize and the Prize. G. S. Mosina.

In 1964 A. Antonov graduated from the Sverdlovsk Art College, In 1973 - the Moscow Higher School of Industrial Art (former Stroganov).

Since 1971 - a participant of domestic and foreign exhibitions. The artist's works are in museums and private collections in Russia, Austria, Germany, Israel, Cyprus, the USA, France, and the Czech Republic. Author of numerous monumental works in Russia and abroad. In Yekaterinburg, the reliefs of the Sverdlovsk Circus were made together with G. Metelev (1979), the sculptural composition "Muse of Cinema" on the building of the House of Cinema (1984), the monument to Mamin-Sibiryak (1985), the sculptural composition "Summer" (1987), 11 memorial plaques to academicians of our city, busts of Tatishchev and de Gennin, as well as portraits of 12 heads of Yekaterinburg for the city administration building (1995-1998), a relief for the Yekaterinburg Academic Musical Comedy Theater (2002), portraits of Ural conductors, founders of the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic, Paverman and Friedlander (2005), sculptural composition "Citizens" (2008).

Sculptural group “Citizens. Conversation" was installed in the year of the 70th anniversary of the birth of one of the heroes of the sculptural composition - the deceased artist German Metelev. As you know, the other two interlocutors are well-known artists Vitaly Volovich and Misha Brusilovsky. The author of the sculpture, A. Antonov, had a long-term friendship with them. The first sculptural sketch of the composition was made back in 1978, and today, already in the year of the 75th anniversary of German Metelev, at the opening of the Antonov Gallery, we can see the original of this work, as well as the work of artists-heroes of the sculptural composition.

The exhibition also features paintings by Misha Brusilovsky and German Metelev, graphics by Vitaly Volovich, German Metelev and Andrey Antonov, and sculpture by A. Antonov.

As part of the Art Comes to Home project, the installation Anatoly Kalashnikov in Your Home (to be continued) will also be presented, as well as an exhibition of photographs by Ilya Sologub Bronze Sculpture for A. Antonov's new album.

The Andrey Antonov Foundation was established in the spring of 2011, during the lifetime of the sculptor, who was concerned about the fate of his many works that make up the creative world of his life. He also outlined the main areas of activity: the preservation of works, the promotion of sculpture and other types of art, the organization of exhibitions, publishing activities, educational programs for children and students, the creation of a cultural center with a museum of sculpture. T. Kolpakova and I. Sologub were appointed founders of the fund.