Third will. 4 sep 2020 — 24 sep 2020

Sveta Isaeva, Natasha Khabarova, Curator - Nastya Skvortsova.

"Third Will" is an exhibition of two artists - Sveta Isayeva and Natasha Khabarova - about the human body as a means of manipulation.

The combination of two plastic languages ​​is based on expressive incontinence and frankness of imagery. Most of the works of painting and ceramics included in the project have not been exhibited before.
The art of both artists, who did not know each other before the Neo-Infantilism project, turned out to be surprisingly in tune with each other. Avoiding a direct narrative, the works of both authors speak frankly about the interaction between subjects at the bodily level, about passive aggression, suppression of the will and domination. "Third will" is a person's ability to doubt their desires and, as a result of this, the tendency to become an object of manipulation.

The concept of "Third Will", which became the title of the exhibition, is borrowed from psychosophy. This system explains human behavior and attraction or repulsion between representatives of different psychotypes, sharing the main "functions" - physics, emotion, will, logic. The popularity of alternative systems for explaining the nature of things is becoming a hallmark of our time. Passion for astrology, mysticism, psychic, yogic and other practices, allows you to get away from the strict logic of scientific knowledge. Thus, it is easier for a subject neuroticized by the modern world to receive semblance of explanations that allow him to get out of stupor and horror, begin to live and act.

Nastya Skvortsova