Ruinarium. 11 mar 2021 — 25 apr 2021

Art groupe 17 (Anna Belousova, Tatyana Morozova).

The exhibition presents objects created on the basis of photographic documentation of a trip to the ruined estate “Mikhailovskaya Dacha”, an architectural monument of the mid-19th century located on the Peterhof road.
As a result of our trip, the Ruinarium project was created, consisting of parts of the interior: bas-reliefs, sculptures with plants and printed graphics.

We were interested in the fashion for the aestheticization of ruins, which began in the Enlightenment and is well known from the works of P. Piranesi, in whose engravings catastrophic pictures of imaginary destruction are presented. We follow the same technique - showing the future through the past, immersing the human body, architecture and nature in a network of new relationships. Unlike Piranesi, where nature and architecture are opposed, in our fantasy they are co-builders of the environment. Respecting the classic structure of paintings, columns, bas-reliefs, we set ourselves the task of creating new, different forms in which the human body is the same building material as stones, and plants are not decorations, but full participants in the process. We refuse the logic of conservation and strive for thinking in development. Architecture in the project becomes an interweaving of living tissues that change over time, and architectural elements are the results of the interaction of equal forces: plants, wind, water, earth, man, stone.

If restoration as a principle of cultural preservation is an anthropocentric phenomenon, then we
we offer a new logic of preservation and study of forms, without giving preference to any of the participants in the process, which becomes our political position.

Art Groupe 17